Session Title: Mentoring Teacher-research EVO 2023

Abstract: Resources on classroom-based research are now easily available but how to facilitate teacher-research has been relatively neglected. This EVO session aims to develop a community of teacher-research mentors and to provide guidance to enable mentors and prospective mentors to play what can be a pivotal role in supporting teacher-research.
Target audience:
Teacher educators, teacher development group leaders etc. who are currently mentoring teachers or student-teachers to do research into their classroom practice
Intending or past mentors of teacher-research who want to know more about the process before they begin (again)
Curious but undecided potential teacher-research mentors who want to know more about what’s involved before they decide
Participants may also be:
Decision-makers, administrators, school leaders, teacher educators or group leaders wondering whether to initiate and/or design a programme to encourage teacher-research
Session objectives:
By the end of this session, participants will have been engaged in the following activities:
Sharing ideas about the nature of mentoring and what mentoring teacher-research might specifically need to involve
Peer-coaching enabling participants to practise / reflect on teacher-research mentoring skills
A planning task involving consideration of who to mentor and establishment of a timeline and plan for effective communications
The following stages of teacher-research mentoring also will have been focussed on engaging participants in related practical activities:
Helping teachers to select a topic
Guiding teachers in developing research questions
Preparing teachers to collect data
Guiding teachers to analyze and interpret data
Supporting teachers to plan and evaluate change
Helping teachers to share and reflect on their research
The syllabus and practical activities are based on the British Council publication, Mentoring Teachers to Research Their Classrooms. Itself based on practical experience in Latin America and South Asia; this will be complemented by questions and insights from participants themselves in relation to their own experiences. This year we have also included some tasks which were produced from within an international mentoring support group which has been meeting monthly since 2021.
Finally, we encourage teacher-research mentors to continue to link up internationally, and we indicate resources and possibilities for follow-up. Participants will be invited to become members of our Mentoring Teacher-research support group community to continue developing professionally, engaging in new mentoring programmes, sharing their experiences and generating knowledge together. We also invite participants to take active part in face-to-face and online conferences such as Teachers Research! Online 2023.
Syllabus: Note: All webinars begin at 14.00 GMT - find out what time this is where you are here.
Registration Week: January 1 - 8
FOCUS: Registration of participants and orientation of the Canvas course site and the Mentoring teacher-research course
Objectives:Before we begin Week 1 activities with our first online meeting on January 7th, please spend about an hour (in total) doing the following in our Canvas page:
a) Make sure you've registered here: - using code TAKHKF
b) Get to know other participants and introduce yourself, including your hopes and expectations, in Canvas
c) Warm-up while waiting and browse some of the resources about teacher-research and mentoring that we've made available in this link on Canvas.
Week 1: (January 9 - 15)
What does teacher-research mentoring involve? / 1st online meeting – Sat. Jan. 7, 14:00 (GMT)
Sharing of teacher-research and teacher-research mentoring experiences among participants
Discussion of why mentoring is important for supporting teacher-research
Sharing ideas about the nature of mentoring and what mentoring teacher-research specifically needs to involve
Week 2: (January 16 - 22)
Developing topics and questions / 2nd online meeting – Sat. Jan. 14, 14:00 (GMT)
Helping teachers to select a topic, aligning to: context, students´ ages, materials/resources, learners´ mindsets, teachers´ previous research, co-mentoring.
Guiding teachers to develop research questions
Week 3: (January 23 - 29)
Supporting data collection, analysis and interpretation / 3rd online meeting – Sat. Jan. 21, 14:00 (GMT)
Preparing teachers to collect data, discussing strategies mentors can use when guiding teachers to choose the appropriate tools and methods.
Guiding teachers to analyse and interpret data
Week 4: (January 30 - February 5)
Making a mentoring plan – and guiding teachers to plan and evaluate change / 4th online meeting – Sat. Jan. 28, 14:00 (GMT)
Week 5: (February 6 - 12)
Helping teachers to share and reflect on their research / 5th online meeting – Sat. Feb. 4, 14:00 (GMT) & 6th online meeting – Sat Feb 11, 14:00 (GMT)
- Helping teachers to share and reflect on their research
Helping teachers summarise/present their research findings
Wrap-up, taking things further, and evaluation of the EVO
Follow-up activities as part of the Mentoring Teacher-research support group community agenda during the year.
Other technology tools: Padlet
Join this session: Registration Jan. 1-8, 2023
For participants to join this session:
Meeting ID: 814 9766 3409
Passcode: 672463
Sponsoring organization(s)
Name / date of approval
Ernesto Vargas Gil -Coordinator, November 2, 2022
CALL Interest Section of TESOL (CALL-IS) |
Jane Chien, Chair / December 1, 2022 |
Name (last, first)
Email address
(country of residence)
Institutional Affiliation
Status of moderator (new or continuing?)
If continuing, date of Moderator Professional Development session taken
(max. 50 words)
Eraldemir Tuyan, Seden
Çağ University
Seden Eraldemir Tuyan, PhD. works as an educator at Çağ University, Mersin, Turkey. She has mentored groups of EFL teachers in in-service context and pre-service teachers during practicum. She has co-hosted Mentoring Teacher-research EVO 2020 and 2022 with Prof. Richard Smith. She is interested in the psychological perspectives of ELT, Social-Emotional Learning, teacher research, mentoring, and personal and professional development.

Garcia Stone, Ana | |
Spain |
new |
Ana García Stone is a teacher and teacher educator based in Madrid. She has over 30 years of experience in ELT and her main interest is teacher-led CPD, including teacher classroom research. She has been a teacher mentor since 2000, and more recently in an international context. |
Mazzei, Ruben | |
Argentina |
continuing |
Ruben Mazzei is a university EFL and literature teacher and has specialized in Linguistics. He teaches at secondary school level and in Higher Education and coordinates workshops in the area of Exploratory Action Research. He is the local coordinator of the Legitimation Code Theory group in Argentina. He co-authored Mentoring Presence for Supporting International Teacher-Researchers. |
Serra, Mariana | |
Argentina |
continuing |
Mariana Serra is a teacher and a licentiate in English. She has been part of the international Mentoring Teacher-research Support group since 2021 and of its organizing committee. She was part of Dr Smith's team from 2020-2021 to develop the Enhancement mentoring for the Teacher-Research approach. She implemented a Teacher-research Mentoring project with Turkish teachers (2021) with Seden Tuyan and co-authored Mentoring Presence for Supporting International Teacher-Researchers.
Smith, Richard | |
UK |
Prof Richard Smith
has worked as a teacher educator for almost twenty-five years, the last twenty of them in the UK at the University of Warwick. has published widely on topics ranging from teacher-research to the history of language learning and teaching, and has worked with teachers from many countries, both directly and as academic adviser to teacher-research mentoring schemes in Latin America and South Asia. For his publications and further information see
Primary Contact (Lead moderator only, please): The primary contact is the lead moderator of the session. The lead moderator is responsible for making sure that all first-time moderators are registered for the Moderator Professional Development session, and for communicating deadlines, special events like our live webcasts, and other information to moderators.
Name of Lead Moderator: ___Seden Eraldemir Tuyan_________________
Email address: ___sedentuyan@gmail.com__________________________
Terms of Agreement (to be completed by Lead Moderators; please confirm by writing “I agree” in each item.)
Terms of Agreement for EVO Session Lead Moderators
As Lead Moderator of my EVO session, I am responsible for making sure that first-time moderators in the session register for MOD PD on or before the due date (Oct. 16, 2022).
I agree
As Lead Moderator of my EVO session, I am responsible for making sure that first-time moderators participate actively in MOD PD Oct. 16 - Nov. 13, 2022.
I agree
As Lead Moderator of my EVO session, I affirm that moderators found lacking in completing the expectations and tasks in MOD PD will be removed from the session.
I agree
I am available to engage actively in the EVO session I have agreed to co-moderate between January 9 and February 12, 2023.
I agree
I further understand that
EVO sessions are free of advertising and commercial sponsorship;
EVO sessions are free and open to all;
No academic credit will be given for participation in EVO session.
I agree
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