Session Title:
Language Teacher Agency in Classrooms (EVO2023)
This session aims to empower language teachers through developing an ecological perspective of agency. Participants will examine the interplay of various factors influencing teacher agency. They will also reflect upon and share different ways of achieving agency and have a chance to implement language teacher agency in their classrooms. (word count: 49)
Target audience:
We aim to connect with pre-service and in-service teachers, teacher trainers, mentors and teacher educators in English language education and those who are interested in exploring their agency in teaching.
Session objectives:
By the end of this hands-on session, participants will
- develop a better understanding of “Language Teacher Agency” and its influencing factors
- reflect upon the factors influencing their instructional practices and decision-making in classrooms
- apply their agency in their current and future teaching
- develop tools/strategies to build a supportive community to enhance their agency
- share their agency in teaching with other participants in this community of online practice in EVO, and if possible, beyond.
The session syllabus include the major focus for each week and at least one activity or task.
See below.
Week 1: (January 9 - 15): Understanding Language Teacher Agency (LTA) and Classroom Practice
Discuss what is “Language Teacher Agency”?
Understand different conceptualizations (sociocultural and ecological perspectives) of LTA
Make the connection between LTA and classroom practice
Reflect upon individual understanding
Participants register and start setting up a Canvas Free for Teachers site.
Participants make an online video to introduce themselves and post the video in Discussion Forum.
Participants read short texts on LTA and its connection with classroom practice.
Participants post in Discussion Forum on their understanding of LTA.
Moderators: ALL
Week 2: (January 16 - 22): Exploring the temporal and relational dimensions in achieving agency
Examine iterational, practical-evaluative, projective dimensions of LTA
Analyze scenarios of different contexts
Connect the observation to individual teaching contexts
Participants read short texts on iterational, practice-evaluative, projective dimensions of LTA.
Participants post in Discussion Forum on their understanding of the three aspects of LTA.
- In the Zoom meeting, participants are given one of the three scenarios and analyze the LTA enacted in the scenarios and share their analyses.
Moderators: ALL
Week 3: (January 23 - 29): Reflecting upon past influencing factors on agency (past)
Recognize facilitating and prohibitive factors on LTA
Brainstorm for potential solutions to address challenges
Engage in dialogic reflection among participants
Moderators: ALL
Week 4: (January 30 - February 5): Enacting agency in classrooms and beyond (present)
Identify a problem in current teaching contexts
Practice agency in classrooms
Apply strategies and technology in building a supportive online community
Reflect upon the experience of enacting agency in their own teaching contexts
Moderators: ALL
Week 5: (February 6 - 12): Setting up and sharing further goals (future-oriented)
Develop future teaching or career goals
Identify approaches in achieving the goals
Share the goals and approaches with other participants
Envision goals of implementing teacher agency
- Join the Facebook Group created for participants as CoP
Participants post their future teaching or career goals in Discussion Forum.
Participants identify approaches in achieving the goals in the Zoom session.
Participants share their highlights and key takeaways from the course.
- Participants join the Facebook group voluntarily so that they can continue interacting with the moderators and other participants after the EVO session.
Moderators: ALL
- Interactive space: Canvas Discussion Forum; Facebook Group
- Content space: Canvas Free for Teachers
- Live meeting space: Zoom
Other technology tools:
Join this session: Registration Jan. 1-8, 2023. For participants to join this session:
Suggested sponsor(s): Sponsors are professional associations who would be willing to advertise your session in their elist or newsletters, and who would help create an audience for your session and an interest in EVO participation. (No money or other physical support is requested!) TESOL Interest Section(s) or affiliate(s), IATEFL Special Interest Group(s), or other group(s) who could sponsor your session, such as JALT, KOTESOL, or AVEALMEC. NOTE: The EVO Coordination Team will arrange for TESOL-IS sponsorship, but please tell us which Interest Section (now called CoPs) you feel would be most likely to sponsor your session. For non-TESOL organizations, we ask that you list all likely sponsors, but please confirm sponsorship with them yourself after your proposal is accepted.
NOTE: State the name of the person who approved sponsorship and the date next to the organization.
Sponsoring organizations
Name / date of approval
Foreign Language Research and Teaching (FLRT) Student Association |
Sheila Ameri/ Aug. 30 2022
CALL Interest Section of TESOL (CALL-IS) |
Jane Chien, Chair / December 1, 2022 |
Moderators: Fill in the table for all session moderators and co-moderators. Please review the requirements for all moderators at EVO Moderator Professional Development (MOD PD--purpose and content as well as the EVO policy for the requirements carefully. First-time moderators are required to take part in the training session; returning moderators are encouraged to participate as well. NOTES: Your list of moderators should be complete when you submit the proposal. Should you identify additional moderators for your session, you are required to notify the EVO Coordination team about their status (new or returning).
Name (last, first)
Email address
(country of residence)
Institutional Affiliation
Status of moderator (new or continuing?)
If continuing, date of Moderator Professional Development session taken
(max. 50 words)
Weng, Zhenjie
Duke Kunshan University
Oct. 16 - Nov. 13, 2021 |
Zhenjie Weng is an assistant professor at Duke Kunshan university in China. She teaches second language writing to undergraduate and graduate students. Her research focuses on second language writing, language teacher education, and technology use in English language education.
Kim, Grace
United States
Bucknell Univeristy
Oct. 16 - Nov. 13, 2021
Grace Jue Yeon Kim is an Assistant Professor of Education at Bucknell University, specializing in Language, Literacy, and Culture in Multilingual Settings. Her research examines language socialization and biliteracy development of emergent bilingual learners, translanguaging pedagogies, dual language program curriculum design, language teacher agency, and language teaching with technology.
Zhu, Jingyi
United States
Columbus State Community College
Oct. 16 - Nov. 13, 2021
Jingyi Zhu has taught EFL and ESL composition at undergraduate and graduate levels in China and U.S. She is now an instructor in Composition & Rhetoric at Columbus State Community College. Her interests are L2 reading, arts-based practices in L2 research, and language teacher education.
Primary Contact (Lead moderator only, please): The primary contact is the lead moderator of the session. The lead moderator is responsible for making sure that all first-time moderators are registered for the Moderator Professional Development session, and for communicating deadlines, special events like our live webcasts, and other information to moderators.
Name of Lead Moderator: ____Zhenjie Weng________________
Email address: ____weng.151@osu.edu_________________________
Terms of Agreement (to be completed by Lead Moderators; please confirm by writing “I agree” in each item.)
Terms of Agreement for EVO Session Lead Moderators
As Lead Moderator of my EVO session, I am responsible for making sure that first-time moderators in the session register for MOD PD on or before the due date (Oct. 16, 2022).
I agree
As Lead Moderator of my EVO session, I am responsible for making sure that first-time moderators participate actively in MOD PD Oct. 16 - Nov. 13, 2022.
I agree
As Lead Moderator of my EVO session, I affirm that moderators found lacking in completing the expectations and tasks in MOD PD will be removed from the session.
I agree |
I am available to engage actively in the EVO session I have agreed to co-moderate between January 9 and February 12, 2023.
I agree |
I further understand that
EVO sessions are free of advertising and commercial sponsorship;
EVO sessions are free and open to all;
No academic credit will be given for participation in EVO session.
I agree |
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