

Page history last edited by Dr. Nellie Deutsch 1 year, 11 months ago

Developing Learning Habits



Abstract:  Effective learning habits are essential for school and future careers. Participants of the session will learn about Personal Competency: A Framework for Building Students' Capacity to Learn by and develop effective learning habits that engage and motivate students to make good use of their time in and out of class. 


Target audience:

Teachers teaching to all age groups. 


Session objectives: 

By the end of this session, participants will have...

  • taken the Teachers Perspectives Inventory.
  • introduced themselves using a Voki avatar. 
  • read and discussed personalized learning habits for students using collaborative annotations (Moodle activity).
  • developed personalized learning charts for students
  • discussed and understood personal competency framework. 
  • discussed, understood, and identified cognitive competencies. 
  • discussed, understood, and identified metacognitive competencies.
  • discussed, understood, and identified motivational competencies.
  • discussed, understood, and identified social competencies.
  • discussed, understood, and identified emotional competencies.
  • developed a personal competency framework learning plan for their classroom 
  • Reflected on each of the 5 personal learning competencies. 
  • Reflected on the session.  



Week 1: (January 9 - 15)

Getting Acquainted and Cognitive Competency 

In week 1, participants will get acquainted with each other, the layout of the section, and with the tools.  

  1. Take the Teacher Perspectives Inventory http://www.teachingperspectives.com/tpi/
  2. Introduce themselves using a Voki avatar https://www.voki.com. The introductions are based on 4 questions from the Teacher Perspective Inventory. 
  3. Discuss the learning habits and ways we can help students develop effective learning habits.
  4. Discuss personalized learning.
  5. Create a personalized learning chart (copy Google doc) for one of your students, make the doc viewable by anyone who has the link so we can all view it and share it in the discussion forum. 
  6. Discuss Cognitive Competency
  7. Read and engage in the reading material using Amanote for annotations and notetaking.
  8. Get accounts on each of the listed technology tools below.  
  9. Choose a curation wall for the reflections and for notes (multimedia)
  10. Create a Kahoot Challenge with 10 questions related to your reading on Cognitive Competency for week 1 .
  11. Start reflecting on content of week 1 on your chosen curation wall. 
  12. Join the Quizlet class for the course session https://quizlet.com/join/EuGpF52np?i=ghzz&x=1bqt
  13. Start a Quizlet study set for the 44 terms https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dgZxh-Q_1VFeq70LcqddHNz0Gq-RWXB1thqxGvsbIho/edit?usp=sharing
  14. Adding first 10 of the 44 terms and definitions on your Quizlet study set for week 1 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dgZxh-Q_1VFeq70LcqddHNz0Gq-RWXB1thqxGvsbIho/edit?usp=sharing
  15. Receive digital badge for completing the tasks for week 1. 


Week 2: (January 16 - 22)

Metacognitive Competency

  1. Read the resources on metacognition competency using collaborative annotations (Moodle activity) and discuss the components of personal learning habits.
  2. Add 10 of the 44 terms to a Quizlet study for week 2. 
  3. Continue the Kahoot Challenge for the content of weeks 2.
  4. Reflect on metacognition competency.
  5. Receive digital badge for completing the tasks for week 2.  


Week 3: (January 23 - 29)

Motivational Competency

  1. Read the resources on motivational competency using Amanote and discuss the components of habit formation cycle.
  2. Develop an understanding of motivational competency and how it's related to personalized learning. 
  3. Add 10 of the 44 terms to a Quizlet study set for week 3. 
  4. Add 10 questions for a Kahoot Challenge for the content of weeks 3. 
  5. Reflect on Motivational Competency
  6. Receive a digital badge for completing the tasks of week 3. 


Week 4: (January 30 - February 5)

Social and Emotional Competency

  1. Read resources on social and emotional competency.
  2. Use collaborative annotations (Moodle activity) for note taking and discuss the reading. 
  3. Add 10 out of the 44 terms to a Quizlet study set for week 4
  4. Add 10 questions for a Kahoot Challenge for the content of weeks 4.  
  5. Reflect on the process of developing social and emotional competency. 
  6. Receive a digital badge for completing the tasks for week 4. 


Week 5: (February 6 - 12)

Showcase and Reflect  

  1. Add 4 out of the 44 terms to a Quizlet study for week 5. 
  2. Participants will take each others' Kahoot Challenges and Quizlet study set tests.  
  3. Reflect on the process of developing a personal competency framework and learning habits.
  4. Session reflection (questions) and feedback (EVO23 form).
  5. Receive Certificate of Participation for completing all the tasks for weeks 1-5.  



Moodle and GoBrunch


Other technology tools: 

  1. Kahoot https://kahoot.com   
  2. Voki https://www.voki.com 
  3. Quizlet https://quizlet.com 
  4. Google (docs, slides, forms) https://drive.google.com
  5. Teacher Perspectives Inventory http://www.teachingperspectives.com/tpi/ 



Redding, S., & Twyman, J. (2018). Learning Habits. Center on Innovations in Learning, Temple University

Redding, S. (2014). Personal Competency: A Framework for Building Students' Capacity to Learn. Center on Innovations in Learning, Temple University.


Join this session:   

Registration Jan. 1-8, 2023 

For participants to join this session:

  1. Go to http://integrating-technology.org/course/view.php?id=368
  2. Log in the first and each time by clicking on one of the following social icons: Login in with Gmail, Yahoo, Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft 
  3. Enrol in http://integrating-technology.org/course/view.php?id=368



Suggested sponsor(s):CALL-IS 


Sponsoring organizations

Name / date of approval

 CALL Interest Section of TESOL (CALL-IS)
 Jane Chien, Chair / December 1, 2022



Suchita Mahorkar 





Ms. Suchita R. Mahorkar,  a high school  teacher and teacher educator has worked on projects  by British Council and the State Institute of English, Maharashtra, as a developer, trainer, and evaluator. She has run the EMAR project under  Dr. Richard Smith's guidance and presented a paper on Using Social Media.








Sudarshana Shirude







India   Teacher


2021  As a primary teacher from government school of Maharashtra, Sudarshana Shirude is working as a TAG coordinator for British Council's TEJAS project run by the British Council  and a MOOC coordinator for the Spoken English Online Course by SIEM. She has presented a paper on exploratory action research and mentored colleague on the EMAR project.  







Nileshkumar Panchal  nkumarpanchal@gmail.com  India   Teacher
New  New Nileshkumar Panchal is a   primary school teacher and a TAG coordinator for the British Council TEJAS project. He has presented research papers at two international conferences and works to create awareness about research in education. Currently he is researching  Blended learning methods for ESL.    
Shilpi Jain  shilpijn6@gmail.com  India   Teacher
New  New  Shilpi Jain has worked as a teacher/ coordinator for ten years before getting actively involved in the Teach India project, a CSR initiative of Times Group. She is presently a freelance consultant with the British Council working as trainer, mentor, and senior teacher , on her journey towards completing Cambridge Delta.  
Harshini Lalwani  harshini.d.lalwani@gmail.com  Paraguay   Teacher Trainer
New  New  Harshini Lalwani is an ESL consultant providing services to school and institutions in Paraguay. She trains for Trinity College London's Teacher training courses. She has been a senior teacher, moderator, and an IELTS examiner for British Council. Harshini serves actively as a board member of the PARATESOL organization.  
Nellie Deutsch nelliemuller@email.phoenix.edu
Canada  Immersive Technologies (IMT) MSc program of the Department of Computer Science of the 

International Hellenic University





NellieDeutsch(Ed.D) has taught EFL in K-12 and higher education and has applied CALL since 1992.  She offers free online professional development programs on Moodle for Teachers. She combines learner autonomy team peer-based learning with technology and mindfulness. She’s the co-chair elect of TESOL CALL-IS & leads EVO23 coordination team. 



Primary Contact 

Name of Lead Moderator:  Suchita Mahorkar

Email address:  srmahorkar@gmail.com


Terms of Agreement (to be completed by Lead Moderators; please confirm by writing “I agree” in each item.)

Terms of Agreement for EVO Session Lead Moderators


  1. As Lead Moderator of my EVO session, I am responsible for making sure that first-time moderators in the session register for MOD PD on or before the due date (Oct. 16, 2022).

 I agree
  1. As Lead Moderator of my EVO session, I am responsible for making sure that first-time moderators participate actively in MOD PD Oct. 16 - Nov. 13, 2022.

 I agree
  1. As Lead Moderator of my EVO session, I affirm that moderators found lacking in completing the expectations and tasks in MOD PD will be removed from the session.

 I agree
  1. I am available to engage actively in the EVO session I have agreed to co-moderate between January 9 and February 12, 2023. 

 I agree
  1. I further understand that 

    • EVO sessions are free of advertising and commercial sponsorship;

    • EVO sessions are free and open to all;

    • No academic credit will be given for participation in EVO session.

 I agree


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